Monday, August 18, 2014

August 18, 2014

Well it was an INCREDIBLE week!!!:)  A lot of contacting because we will go contacting get a lot of references and then everyone goes out of town. haha  Everyone in Spain basically goes on vacation for the entire month of August so its been month filled with street contacting.  But thats okay!!  The members have turned around 100%.  It's a different ward here and I know it's a blessing of our obedience and trying to be unified with them. 

So anyways, we have some solid new investigators!!  Belen, we found her knocking doors. We taught her lesson one and we are heading back this week.  Luisa, she's super cool and was doing great but she went back to the Dominican for two months.  Antonio and Margot have been out of town all week but they get back tomorrow!!  We found a lady named Marcela on the street and she has a friend who is a member of our ward!!  We set up a lesson and we are just super duper pumped to meet with her.  We did an area book pass by and found a man named Humberto.  He is so solid!!  We taught him lesson one ( he remembered most of it because missionaries taught him for a while) and he loved it!  He's from Peru, his wife is a member and we are just super excited for him!  We started to teach a man named Jasan from Morocco the other day.  We brought him a Book of Mormon in Arabic and he is awesome!!  It was so cool, he started to read the names of the eight witnesses from the Arabic book and they sounded English.  It was so crazy!!  haha!  We have also been meeting with some more members this week to get to know them and as always the less actives and recent converts.  Hermana Bueno will be headed to the U.S. here soon and we are a little nervous for that one.  But it's all good, just keep them in your prayers and all will be well.  Graciela is the happiest woman on earth and she makes me super happy every time I see her. She is struggling to read because she gets tired but she really wants to do it and is trying hard to live the commandments.  It's been so incredible to see the change in her.  Anahi has kinda been lazy lately but I'm pretty sure it's because she is a teenager haha and it's summer so she´ll get over her  "I don't want to go to church because I was out too late last night and I'm tired"  ("But I wanted to go to toshi station to pick up some power converters" teenage attitude).   It will stop once school starts.  But everyone here is incredible.  We are working hard.  Being obedient and doing what the lord has asked us to do and that's all that has been required of us.  To get out here and give it our all.  I hope to have more news on investigators for next week and I'm sure I will!!  Probably the highlight of the week was Friday.  Elder Tyler Cahoon and I may or may not have gone on an exchange. HAHA!!!!  It was SOO COOL!!!  He's in the office and in our district and he came here to B4 to work with me for a day.  Oh my gosh, it was probably the coolest intercambio ever.  We contacted the whole time but we just tore it up together and just had a TON of fun!!  We got 20 numbers and addresses in 24 hours which is the most I have ever gotten in one day.  WE worked super well together and it was just so much fun!!!  haha it was awesome.  My computer won't let me send pictures but I will get some to you as soon as I can:)  SO cool!!!! Well this week was amazing.  Lots of progress with the ward members, with the work, and a lot of starting with investigators.  I am so excited and just beaming with joy.  I love this work so much!!  Keep it up at home and keep living the commandments.  This gospel is true and the Lord ALWAYS fulfills his promises. 

So for the spiritual thought this week it's something simple but a principle that we can all apply.  Doctrine and Covenants 130:21-22.  It is the principle that governs everything.  This all comes down to our willingness to obey. The lord only requires that we keep his commandments (Mosiah 2:22) and it all comes down to our willingness to submit to the will of the Lord and do what he has asked.  So read that verse in D&C and ponder to yourself, how can I improve and submit myself to the will of the Lord because there is always room for improvement.  I testify that as we repent, align ourselves with God's standards and simply obey that the blessings come because of the law that has been irrevocably decreed.  The Lord cannot go back on his word and He never will (Mosiah 2:22) and we have the ability to bind the Lord according to our obedience and He will be required to bless us. (D&C 82:10) But the thing is our Heavenly Father wants more than anything to bless us.  He loves us, he cares for us, and he wants to bless us in every way possible.  But the blessings come in our willingness to obey.  It's up to us. and that's the beauty of agency.  So choose today to live how god wants you to live and keep the faith!!  Love you all!!!  Have an incredible week!!!!:)